Webmaster: Lise Hagelund, hagelund.lise@gmail.com
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Mili 2017
My experience in Shamayita Math started before my trip to India, since I was living in Denmark I heart from many friends about this organization and personally I always want to experience the life in an Ashram in India. And so, I did. At the beginning of 2017 I quit my job in India and I decided to visit Math for one week, that visit was so pleasant that I ended up staying in the Ashram for a little more than two months, I stayed there from the end of February to beginning of May.
Meeting everyone and being around with such a beautiful people made me stay. The mothers, fellows, people from the village, students and teachers from the Shamayita Convent School, and Prabhuji made a huge difference in the way I see my life right now. They treat me with kindness and love, which make me understand that everything is possible when it comes from a peaceful heart and intention.
I agreed with the mothers to teach English at the Shamayita Convent School to where I walked every morning. Due to my passion for ballet and other dances I ended up teaching Ballet to all girls in the school. Giving dancing classes to the girls connected me with my past and my childhood and I will be always thankful for that. Nowadays I work for a NGO however Shamayita Math, mostly the girls at the school brought me a dream from my past. I enjoyed so much teaching them ballet and I was inspired every day by the aim of learning. These girls show me how important it is to love what you do and do what you love, and I will be always thankful for that.
So, I highly encourage and recommend all readers to take the chance and participate in the project. This is a personal experience which can help you to connect deeply with yourself and other in a very loving way. In addition, it will help you connect with a beautiful and interesting culture and at the same time bring to them part of your world, and in this encounter the expansion and magnitude will be enormous. By doing volunteer work you do not only share part of your time and knowledge you also learn more than what you can possible imagine. Thanks to all my beloveds in Shamayita Math for your kindness and loving way of living and I am looking forward to seeing everyone soon!